NetAcquire delivers real-time telemetry processing solutions that work on the first day! With NetAcquire SIO™, just plug in your telemetry signal and a network cable. That’s all it takes, the system is up and running! A NetAcquire SIO system can be as small as toaster that will read serial or analog telemetry signals and publish the data to any Ethernet network. Features Acquire - fully-selectable serial bit rate, word width, encoding, alignment, and synchronization. Distribute - telemetry is published to any number of network machines. Display - Java applets or Windows software provide real-time telemetry display. Administer - no software installation required; just use a Web browser. Configure - change all communication parameters remotely in the field. Process - perform real-time processing without programming. Decommutate - perform decommutation with the NetAcquire Decom Option Network - publish some or all data to a network in real-time. Record - selectable local disk archiving for maximum data integrity. Simulate - on-board telemetry simulator, create an output data pattern or use a recording. Protect - password-protect access to configurations and data. Backup - support redundant and backup configurations. Customize - create custom GUI displays of your data with the NetAcquire Java Client Toolkit or NetAcquire Windows Client Toolkit. Extend - develop your own server extensions with our open programming environment. Decommutate - on-board decommutation with the NetAcquire Decom Option and Network Publish/Subscribe. Application Areas |
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